I just had the WORST dream……

James Burns…. 3/6/2016


Wow… I just woke up and let’s just say that my dreams were crazy!! The kind of crazy that leaves you a little dizzy and a little sweaty and definitely shaken up. I felt as if I had just dropped some shrooms and then fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole of a Salvadore Dali painting!

Check this out. I dreamed that we were in the middle of an election year and the leading candidates were, get this, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.. Let me say that again. Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were the leading nominees for the office of the President of the United States of America. I’m serious. I couldn’t make that up if I tried. It was incredible and terrifying and absurd all at the same time..

Can you believe it, the greatest country in the world and the best offerings that we could come up with were an unethical career politician with some pretty shady things in her past to say the least, and a blow hard business man with a string of failed ventures and more hubris than Caesar himself. It was surreal, and I’ve had some weird dreams before!

Picture if you will a country led by Hillary. A country mired in the same politics as usual scenario that we have witnessed for decades. The same lackluster leader that is out for nothing but the interest of big business and super Pacs and a middle America that is dwindling faster than almost any time in history. A leader that is on the brink of federal indictment and that is almost solely  responsible for the deaths of innocent Americans in Benghazi. A leader so out of touch with the American public that she once said that she and her husband(you remember Bill right?) were just struggling to pay their bills as she was collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars per event to speak at corporate functions all around the country. You know, just typical working class folks.

A country that would be tied up in the same partisan mess that we have seen for the entire Obama presidency. Nothing but ineffective bickering and constant attempts by each party to undermine the other while fattening their coffers and bleeding the middle and lower class that slave away for an ever diminishing slice of the great American pie.. Good times. Just a bunch of bloated politicians posturing for each other and almost immediately upon entering office, heading out on the campaign trail to try and solidify another election win. I’ts the exact same thing that we watched Obama do. Divide the country more than any other president while becoming a celebrity and making a mockery of the office of the President. Spending as much, if not more than, time hitting the golf course and the talk show circuit as he did making terrible policy choices and destroying our standing with other countries. All while putting into law a miserable excuse of a health care plan that does nothing more than make the already disastrous situation that we were faced with even more convoluted and expensive. Let’s take a system that is already overpriced and hard to manage and let’s make it even more expensive and basically unusable!! Yeah!!

Our military would be at risk and run by a President that has already shown that she is more concerned with  protecting her own ass than she was with saving peoples lives!! If you haven;t researched the Benghazi incident then you should, it will infuriate you.. This woman sat by as our men were being savagely attacked and did nothing even though help was minutes away. It was disgusting. I really don’t see how any member of the military could even serve under a President that did something like that. Just a complete disregard for all of our military personnel.

Such a blissful future, just more of the same bulls%#t and more of the same selling out to corporate greed and personal gain.. Awesome!

Then we have the Donald. The bloated, hateful, bigoted, misogynistic demigod that is the epitome of a snake oil salesman. He has built an entire empire around nothing more than his self aggrandizing  lies. He took a fortune in the form of an inheritance from his real estate mogul father and turned that into a few hundred million, a large sum indeed, but far from the ten billion that he claims to be worth. He has slapped his name on more products and real estate ventures than a Nascar driver!! Everything from golf courses(failed),a meat company(failed), vodka(failed), a game(failed), and the list goes on… It’s pretty comical really.

Here is a link to a Time article that lays it out pretty well…


All of the smoke and mirrors that describe his business expertise aside, the more terrifying part of his presidency is his hair!! Just kidding, though it is really awful.. I often wonder if he takes it off at night or if it just crawls away when he settles in for the night and sleeps next to him like some kind of poorly groomed street rat… The really terrifying part is the hatred and bigotry and fear that he spreads on a daily basis. He feeds off of the fears of the people and uses it to spread the lie that he is the only person that can protect us from the all of the horrible evil in the world. The dastardly terrorist that are lurking around every corner and the evil brown people that are killing and raping us every other second… He hasn’t actually used that phrase, but it is apparent what he means, non white equals bad.. There is a reason that white supremacist love him!! It isn’t because of his ill fitting suits I promise you.. There was another person that used the same tactics to get elected some years ago and it worked like a charm until his true self came out and ushered in one of the worst and most horrific times in the history of the world.. You’ve probably heard of him, his name rhymes with shitler….

Donald is using the exact same tactics and fear mongering and the American people are so disenfranchised and sick of all of the business as usual that they are falling for it hook, line and sinker… The fervor that I see in the actions of Trump supporters is horrifying. I have a bad feeling that the trip from Trump supporter to brown shirt is a pretty quick one. It really is scary to watch the anger and fear that boils up in their eyes when he gives his terror filled rallies.. He has even gone as far as to quote Mussolini(the fascist dictator) directly and he defended the quote on national television by saying that it didn’t matter who said it, it was an interesting quote.. Seriously??

His cartoonish persona and fear based propaganda aside, it’s really the lack of knowledge and lack of understanding of how the government works that really leave him unqualified to hold office. As much as people say that they don’t want anymore politicians in office, the simple truth is that America is not a company, and it can’t be run as such. You can’t have one person, the boss, making decisions for all of us. It just doesn’t work..There is a reason that the founding fathers created a system of checks and balances to run our great country, it keeps everyone in line.. Is it perfect, no, but it is what works and it is still the best that we have so far..  Seeing a candidate stand on a podium and tell the world that everyone will do whatever he says just because he says it, and because he thinks that he is the greatest person alive is ludicrous.. His entire platform is based on nothing more than the cult of personality that he espouses on a daily basis, it is what built his entire brand. There is no substance to him at all, just blustering and posturing and vapid nonsense. His views and policies change on a daily basis. He literally changed his views on committing war crimes by torturing other countries soldiers and carpet bombing civilians three times in three days, that is no joke. There is nothing about this man that can be trusted. He has and will say whatever he has to at any moment to forward his agenda, and his only agenda is the Trump brand, that’s it.. He couldn’t care less about making America great again, he just wants to make the trump brand great again..

It truly does scare me that there is a large portion of our country that is willing to sell out their fellow countryman and their very own sense of honor and morality for nothing more than the false narrative of fear and sudden greatness propagated by a maniacal egotist out for nothing more than another “win” just to bolster his own twisted self view… It’s so absurd to me that it makes me nauseous.. Wake the f#%k up America…. You are being fleeced!!!

Luckily, all of this was just a hideous, terrifying dream… Because there is no way that we are actually in this situation with these two ineffectual candidates, right?? Dear Lord please let me wake up…… Please…..

I guess I’ll just go back to sleep for a bit and maybe dream of something that makes more sense than these elections, like hybrid flying monkey pigs that can play the cello..

Sadly enough, that would actually be better.




James Burns