Who knew podcasting was so fun, and enlightening?

17. February 2019 Uncategorized 0

My buddy Derrick and I have been recording and posting our podcast Social Rantings for awhile now and we have been amazed at how great it has been. The fact that anyone can just record a conversation and post it to the world is incredible! We have had the chance to speak to musicians, photographers and professors, and every single one was so interesting. I simply love the idea of free form conversation as a medium to gather information, it’s so simple and perfect.

Being able to go long form is such a great way to cut through to the real thoughts of people, unlike question and answer style. People have a tendency to have pat answers to most questions, even in just casual life, like when someone says have a great trip to you and you automatically respond with “you too”. Long form cuts through that and engages people, it just works. It’s pretty startling how much of our lives are lived in a state of automatic response. Most of our jobs, relationships and interactions are just on auto pilot and it’s sad. We simply cough up rehearsed and trite responses to everything around us. Stopping the circle that we have put ourselves into and forcing ourselves to really be present and attentive is the only way to really break free and live lives of purpose and true meaning, whether our relationships, friendships or interest. The answer is so surprisingly simple, just be present and force long form conversation, in all areas of our lives. Find that friend that you haven’t connected with in a while, or sit with your partner or family member, and simply have a long conversation, that’s it. Just converse, and when you do, you will be amazed at the results. You will find deeper meaning, and a deeper connection to everyone and everything around you. So get to it and enjoy the result of the long form conversation and the meaningfulness of all of the new bonds and discoveries that await you! Go time!