So we are doing a podcast..

28. December 2017 Uncategorized 0
I met with a very dear friend of mine a few months ago that I hadn’t seen in years. We did the thing that all of us do, the whole “let’s grab lunch or a drink soon” and then months turned to years and blah blah blah. We all do it. This time we decided ...

The Power of a Handstand….

A handstand is a pretty simple thing, it’s something that we all did as kids and never even gave it a second thought. As adults that is a different story. The thought of doing a handstand is both terrifying and demoralizing , to know that we should be completely capable of doing a stunt that ...

The gift of real music……..

17. October 2016 Uncategorized 0
I saw Alicia Keys perform on Saturday Night Live the other day and it was completely underwhelming.. Now let me start by saying this, Alicia is immensely talented and a brilliant performer, matched by only a few in the industry. She is also just that , a performer. That is what struck me most about the ...

SNL blew it with Trump tape…..

Saturday Night Live, you had one job, and you didn’t do it well at all… This week saw the Republican presidential nominee at his most honest. The tape of him and a reporter for Access Hollywood talking about the way in which Trump has used his money and power to sexually abuse and dominate women ...

I just had the WORST dream……

James Burns…. 3/6/2016   Wow… I just woke up and let’s just say that my dreams were crazy!! The kind of crazy that leaves you a little dizzy and a little sweaty and definitely shaken up. I felt as if I had just dropped some shrooms and then fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole of ...

Oh Donald Trump……

15. November 2015 politics, social 0
By James Burns. 11/14/2015 So we are one day removed from a terrible tragedy in Paris where many, many innocent victims have lost their lives at the hands of a group of extremist cowards.. It is a time of reflection, and empathy, a time to think about how we can move forward and not give ...

Welcome to SocialRantings…..

06. October 2015 Uncategorized 0
Welcome to my blog.. This will be a place where I will discuss and comment on pretty much anything that flitters  through my mind at the moment.. Mostly , it will contain my thoughts about life, religion, politics and just about anything that really is absurd or thought provoking to me.. Hope you enjoy!!